Enhancing HITL Machine Learning with Active Learning and Transfer Learning

Sanket Saxena
7 min read2 days ago


Human-in-the-Loop (HITL) machine learning leverages the strengths of both humans and machines to create more accurate and efficient models. Two critical approaches that significantly enhance HITL systems are Active Learning and Transfer Learning. In this article, we will explore these techniques in detail, discussing their strategies, implementation, and benefits, with clear explanations for intermediate learners in machine learning.

Active Learning Strategies

Uncertainty Sampling Uncertainty sampling focuses on selecting data points where the model is least confident. By prioritizing these uncertain samples, human annotators can provide valuable feedback that significantly improves model accuracy.

Least Confidence Sampling: Selecting instances where the model’s top prediction has the lowest confidence score. This means choosing data points where the model is most unsure about its prediction.

  • Implementation: Identify the confidence scores for each prediction and select data points with the lowest top prediction confidence.
  • Example: In image classification, selecting images where the model’s confidence is lowest for human review and correction. For instance, if a model is unsure whether an image is of a cat or a dog, this image would be selected for human annotation.

Margin Sampling: Choosing instances with the smallest difference between the top two predicted probabilities. This approach focuses on data points where the model finds it hard to decide between two possible outcomes.

  • Implementation: Calculate the difference between the top two predicted probabilities for each data point and select data points with the smallest margin.
  • Example: In text classification, selecting sentences where the model’s predicted probability for two classes (e.g., positive and neutral) is very close, indicating uncertainty.

Entropy Sampling: Using entropy (a measure of uncertainty) to identify data points with the highest overall uncertainty across all classes. This helps in selecting the most informative samples for the model to learn from.

  • Implementation: Compute the entropy for each prediction and select data points with the highest entropy.
  • Example: In multi-class classification, selecting instances where the model is uncertain across multiple classes, such as an image that could be classified as either a dog, a fox, or a wolf.

Diversity Sampling Diversity sampling ensures that a diverse set of examples is selected to improve model generalization. This approach focuses on covering a wide range of data points to avoid biases and improve the robustness of the model.

Model-based Outlier Sampling: Identifying data points that are significantly different from the majority to ensure diverse learning examples. This helps the model learn from varied and unique data points.

  • Implementation: Use a clustering algorithm to identify outliers in the dataset and select these outliers for annotation.
  • Example: In image recognition, selecting unusual images that do not fit well into any of the existing categories.

Cluster-based Sampling: Grouping data into clusters and selecting representative samples from each cluster. This ensures that the training data covers all different types of scenarios present in the dataset.

  • Implementation: Apply clustering techniques such as K-means to group data points and select representative samples from each cluster.
  • Example: In text classification, ensuring that training data includes a wide variety of text samples from different genres and contexts, such as news articles, social media posts, and product reviews.

Random Sampling Random sampling involves randomly selecting data points to avoid biases. This approach ensures a balanced dataset and is particularly useful in the early stages of model training.

  • Example: Randomly selecting customer reviews for sentiment analysis to ensure a balanced dataset. This helps in getting a broad view of different sentiments expressed by customers.

Advanced Active Learning

Combining Uncertainty Sampling and Diversity Sampling Combining uncertainty sampling and diversity sampling helps in selecting the most informative and representative samples for annotation, enhancing the efficiency and performance of the machine learning model.


Least Confidence Sampling with Cluster-Based Sampling: Integrates least confidence sampling within each cluster to select samples for annotation. This combines the strengths of uncertainty and diversity sampling.

  • Implementation: Cluster the data points and then apply least confidence sampling within each cluster.
  • Benefits: Ensures that the selected samples are both uncertain and diverse, improving model generalization and performance.

Uncertainty Sampling with Model-Based Outliers: Combines uncertainty sampling with the identification of outlier samples using the model. This approach ensures that the model learns from the most challenging and unique data points.

  • Implementation: Identify outliers using model-based techniques and then apply uncertainty sampling to these outliers.
  • Benefits: Focuses on the most challenging and informative samples, improving the model’s robustness and accuracy.

Uncertainty Sampling with Model-Based Outliers and Clustering: Integrates uncertainty sampling, model-based outliers, and clustering to select samples that are uncertain, diverse, and representative.

Representative Sampling Techniques

Representative sampling ensures that selected samples are representative of the entire dataset.


Cluster-Based Sampling: Uses cluster-based sampling to ensure that selected samples represent each cluster. This helps in covering all different types of data points present in the dataset.

Implementation: Apply clustering techniques and select representative samples from each cluster.

Sampling from the Highest-Entropy Cluster: Selects samples from clusters with the highest entropy, indicating high variability and uncertainty. This ensures that the model learns from the most variable and uncertain samples.


  • Improves model generalization by ensuring that the training data covers a wide range of scenarios.
  • Enhances the model’s learning efficiency by focusing on the most variable and uncertain samples.

Combining Active Learning Scores Combines scores from different active learning strategies to select samples.

  • Implementation: Calculate scores from uncertainty sampling, diversity sampling, etc., and combine them to prioritize samples.
  • Benefits: Leverages the strengths of multiple strategies to select the most informative samples.

Expected Error Reduction Sampling Selects samples expected to reduce the model’s error the most.

  • Implementation: Estimate the potential error reduction for each sample and select those with the highest expected reduction.
  • Benefits: Directly targets the samples that will most improve the model’s performance.

Active Transfer Learning

Making Models Predict Their Own Errors Active transfer learning involves training the model to predict where it is likely to make errors. This approach helps in identifying the most uncertain and potentially incorrect predictions for focused learning.


Implementing Active Transfer Learning: Combine transfer learning with active sampling to select the most informative samples. This involves using a pre-trained model and adapting it to the specific task at hand.

Implementation: Fine-tune a pre-trained model with selected samples that are identified as highly uncertain or likely to be errors.

Active Transfer Learning with More Layers: Apply active transfer learning using deeper layers of the model. This leverages the rich features learned by deeper layers of the model for better performance.


  • Accelerates learning and enhances performance with fewer labeled samples.
  • Leverages deeper features for more effective transfer learning, improving performance.

Adaptive Sampling Techniques Adaptive sampling techniques dynamically adjust sampling strategies based on predicted uncertainty.


Making Uncertainty Sampling Adaptive by Predicting Uncertainty: Use models to adaptively predict uncertainty for more effective sampling. This ensures that the model focuses on learning from the most uncertain samples.


  • Enhances the efficiency of uncertainty sampling by focusing on the most uncertain and informative samples.
  • Combines the benefits of active learning and transfer learning, improving efficiency and model performance with less data.

Machine Learning and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)

Designing Intuitive Interfaces Creating user-friendly interfaces for annotators is crucial for efficient and accurate human annotation.

Key Elements:

Affordance: Making interface elements intuitive and easy to use. This reduces the learning curve for annotators and improves efficiency.

  • Implementation: Design interfaces with clear, user-friendly elements that guide annotators in their tasks.

Feedback: Providing immediate responses to user actions to ensure clarity. This helps annotators understand the impact of their actions and make more accurate annotations.

  • Implementation: Include real-time feedback mechanisms that show the results of the annotator’s actions instantly.

Minimized Cognitive Load: Simplifying tasks to reduce the mental effort required by annotators. This ensures that annotators can focus on the task at hand without getting overwhelmed.

  • Implementation: Break down complex tasks into simpler steps and provide clear instructions and tools to facilitate annotation.
  • Example: Annotation tools that use drag-and-drop interfaces, keyboard shortcuts, and visual cues to streamline the process.

Impact of Priming on Annotation: Priming can significantly influence how annotators perceive and label data. Understanding its effects is crucial for designing effective annotation interfaces.


Repetition Priming: Exposure to a stimulus influences the response to the same or a similar stimulus later.

  • Impact: Can lead to faster and more consistent annotations as annotators become familiar with certain data patterns.
  • Example: Showing examples of previously labeled data before annotating new data can help annotators quickly identify similar patterns.

Where Priming Hurts: Priming can introduce biases, where annotators may unconsciously replicate previous errors or favor certain labels.

  • Impact: Reduces the objectivity and accuracy of annotations.
  • Example: If annotators repeatedly see a specific label suggested by the system, they might start over-relying on it, even when it’s incorrect.

Where Priming Helps: Priming can be beneficial when it helps annotators understand the context or recognize patterns more quickly.

  • Impact: Improves efficiency and consistency when used appropriately.
  • Example: Using priming to familiarize annotators with common examples and edge cases before they start the annotation task.

Quality Control in HITL

Ground Truth Comparison Definition: Comparing annotations with a set of verified correct labels (ground truth).

  • Implementation: Use a subset of the data with known correct labels and compare these with human annotations.
  • Benefits: Identifies systematic errors and assesses annotator reliability.

Inter-Annotator Agreement Definition: Measuring the consistency among different annotators.

  • Metrics: Common metrics include Cohen’s Kappa, Fleiss’ Kappa, and Krippendorff’s Alpha.
  • Implementation: Regularly calculate these metrics to monitor agreement levels and address discrepancies.
  • Benefits: High inter-annotator agreement indicates reliable and consistent annotations.

Aggregating Multiple Annotations Definition: Combining multiple annotations to create a more reliable dataset.

  • Methods: Majority voting, weighted voting based on annotator reliability, or using statistical models to infer the most likely correct label.
  • Benefits: Reduces the impact of individual annotator biases and errors.


Integrating active learning and transfer learning techniques in HITL machine learning significantly enhances model performance, efficiency, and reliability. By employing advanced sampling strategies, adaptive learning techniques, and user-friendly interfaces, HITL systems can leverage human expertise more effectively, resulting in more robust and accurate AI models.



Sanket Saxena

I love writing about software engineering and all the cool things I learn along the way.